Upcoming Events & Workshops
Upcoming Events & Workshops

“The Way of the Shaman” Meet Up Group (Recurring)
Come and meet with us Monthly at Ancient Rose Shamanic Wellness center as we explore shamanism and the ways of the Pampamesayok and New Age Shaman. Meetings are monthly and the topics vary. Nominal Exchange of Energy requested.

“Munay-Ki Transformation Ceremony”
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time as a period of great transformation, a time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – a person of wisdom and power who lives free of fear and abides in their eternal nature, accepting stewardship for all creation.
The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past-your karmic & genetic inheritance. They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body-one that ages, heals, and dies differently. The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being.
INVESTMENT: The transmission of these rites is free.*
Offering Dates and Time TBD.
*A small monetary donation is requested to help offset the administration costs.
Pi-Stones will be available for purchase.

Crystals, Kuyahs and The Pachamamma
Come and join Pampamesayok Bradford Howick as he provides you with an Introductory Metaphysical look at New Age Crystals, Sacred Stones and the importance of being in Right Relationship with Mother Earth.
During this workshop you will:
-Utilize a crystal and take a shamanic journey into the “Realm of the Mother” (Pachamamma) to gain insight and wisdom about the precious gifts available to us on the planet. (Bringing your own crystal(s) for this is optional)
– Review a brief slide show about the Living Earth.
-Learn how to Identify the various categories and physical makeup of Crystals and how they are used in healing/divination work with emphasis on the Master Quartz Family.
-Learn various methods on how to care and clean your crystals including the use of a Thunderstorm, Earth Burial or Moon Cycles for recharging.
-Gain wisdom on how to charge, activate, program and clear a crystal.
-Briefly discuss the use of crystals for higher self pendulum work.
-Interactively learn the basic art of “the laying on of stones”. (Volunteers will be needed for this chakra balancing experience.) (Performed toward end of Seminar)
-Learn how the Peruvian Pacos use Kuyas in the makeup of a Mesa (Medicine Bundle) and how they are utilized in a Shamanic Illumination.
-Briefly learn the lingo and language of the Stone People. (Druzy, Tabby, Elestial’s or El’s, Phantom, Double Terminated, Generator, Vogel, Record Keeper, Isis, Lemurian, Window, Dow, Tantric Twins, Laser Wand, Enhydro, Time Link, Cathedral Lightbrary, Devic Temple, Earthkeepers, Programmed Projectors, Rainbows, Teachers, Wounded, Twinning, Botryoidal, Dendrite, Foliated, Iridescent, malleable, oolitic, plumose, rosette, skeletal, tufted, waxy….etc) (Handout to be provided)
Various crystals will be on display and some will be handed around for close-up observation.
Everyone will receive a small earthly token of appreciation for attending.
Door prize drawing includes a complimentary Shamanic Illumination ($250 value)
Light Snacks, Water and Tea will be available.
Refrigerator, Microwave and Sitting Lounge available.
TIME: 10:00am to 5:00pm
Lunch will be from 12:00pm to 1:30pm. Bring your own Meal

Pampamesayok Shaman” Formal Training
Come be a part of our shamanic lineage as Ancient Rose offers a wonderful opportunity to empower yourself in the healing ways of the Ancient Ones. During these courses you will operate both as Shaman and as Client using holistic healing techniques which have existed for millennia. As the course progresses, you will matriculate into a life changing way of being while taking in the history and traditions of our Peruvian and Native American Ancestors. Through ceremony you will learn how to create sacred space, honor the four directions, their archetypes, the mother earth and the higher realms. You will learn about the new human–the Homo Luminous, and the Light Body and meridians each and every one of us possess. You will learn about the spiritual and physical tools of a Pampamesayok Shaman and how to illuminate, to extract, to cut cords and to ‘take soul flights’ on behalf of others. Through fire ceremony you will be taught methods of giving thanks and honoring the energies of all creation and how to manifest anything you desire. You will learn about journeying and receive various ways to enhance your third eye’s vision while taking a journey into the Akash. During the course you will be exposed to the ways of shamanic living involving non-judgement, non-suffering, non-attachment, non-engagement, owning your projections and much much more. Upon completion you will not only be transformed, but empowered in the shamanic ways. You will ceremoniously receive the title, Pampamesayok Shaman. As a bonus, you will receive and learn to administer the nine rites of the Munay-Ki, a gift to mankind bestowed upon us from our Q’ero elders from the High Andes.
2023 Group:
Part 1, SOUTH: August, 2023
Part 2, WEST: TBD
Part 3, NORTH: TBD
Part 4, EAST: TBD
9:00am to 6:00pm
Murphy, NC (Address to be emailed)
For anyone being called to the Ancient Ways
YES. Limited to a group maximum of 8 students, one group per course each year.
Taking Reservations NOW!
$1,250 per class/direction. $5,000 in total for the 4 class course.
Remittance is due before each class start date.
A one-time, non-refundable $250 registration fee is required immediately to hold your spot.
Paypal, Zelle, CashApp, Check or Credit Cards accepted.

“The Way of the Shaman” Meet Up Group (Recurring)
Come and meet with us Monthly at Ancient Rose Shamanic Wellness center as we explore shamanism and the ways of the Pampamesayok and New Age Shaman. Meetings are every third Thursday of the month and the topics vary. Click on the link below to establish a Meet Up Account (free) and join our group. Nominal Exchange of Energy requested.
“Munay-Ki Transformation Ceremony “
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time as a period of great transformation, a time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – a person of wisdom and power who lives free of fear and abides in their eternal nature, accepting stewardship for all creation.
The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past-your karmic & genetic inheritance. They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body-one that ages, heals, and dies differently. The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being.
INVESTMENT: The transmission of these rites is free.*
*A small $20.00 donation is requested to help offset the administration costs.
Pi-Stones will be available for purchase.

Crystals, Kuyahs and The Pachamamma
Come and join Pampamesayok Bradford Howick as he provides you with an Introductory Metaphysical look at New Age Crystals, Sacred Stones and the importance of being in Right Relationship with Mother Earth.
During this workshop you will:
-Utilize a crystal and take a shamanic journey into the “Realm of the Mother” (Pachamamma) to gain insight and wisdom about the precious gifts available to us on the planet. (Bringing your own crystal(s) is optional)
– Review a brief slide show about the Living Earth.
-Learn how to Identify the various categories and physical makeup of Crystals and how they are used in healing/divination work with emphasis on the Master Quartz Family.
-Learn various methods on how to care and clean your crystals including the use of a Thunderstorm, Earth Burial or Moon Cycles for recharging.
-Gain wisdom on how to charge, activate, program and clear a crystal.
-Briefly discuss the use of crystals for higher self pendulum work.
-Interactively learn the basic art of “the laying on of stones”. (Volunteers will be needed for this chakra balancing experience.) (Performed toward end of Seminar)
-Learn how the Peruvian Shaman use Kuyas in the makeup of a Mesa (Medicine Bundle) and how they are utilized in a Shamanic Illumination.
-Briefly learn the lingo and language of the Stone People. (Druzy, Tabby, Elestial’s or El’s, Phantom, Double Terminated, Generator, Vogel, Record Keeper, Isis, Lemurian, Window, Dow, Tantric Twins, Laser Wand, Enhydro, Time Link, Cathedral Lightbrary, Devic Temple, Earthkeepers, Programmed Projectors, Rainbows, Teachers, Wounded, Twinning, Botryoidal, Dendrite, Foliated, Iridescent, malleable, oolitic, plumose, rosette, skeletal, tufted, waxy….etc) (Handout to be provided)
Various crystals will be on display and some will be handed around for close-up observation.
Everyone will receive a small earthly token of appreciation for attending.
Door prize drawing includes a complimentary Shamanic Illumination ($250.00 value)
Light Snacks, Water and Tea will be available.
Small Refrigerator and Microwave onsite.
TIME: 10:00am to 5:00pm
LOCATION: _________
Lunch will be from 12:00pm to 1:30pm. Bring your own Meal
“Becoming a Pampamesayok Shaman” Formal Training
Come be a part of our shamanic lineage as Ancient Rose offers a wonderful opportunity to empower yourself in the healing ways of the Ancient Ones. During these courses you will operate both as Shaman and as Client using holistic healing techniques which have existed for millennia. As the course progresses, you will matriculate into a life changing way of being while taking in the history and traditions of our Peruvian and Native American Ancestors. Through ceremony you will learn how to create sacred space, honor the four directions, their archetypes, the mother earth and the higher realms. You will learn about the new human–the Homo Luminous, and the Light Body and meridians each and every one of us possess. You will learn about the spiritual and physical tools of a Pampamesayok Shaman and how to illuminate, to extract, to cut cords and to ‘take soul flights’ on behalf of others. Through fire ceremony you will be taught methods of giving thanks and honoring the energies of all creation and how to manifest anything you desire. You will learn about journeying and receive various ways to enhance your third eye’s vision while taking a journey into the Akash. During the course you will be exposed to the ways of shamanic living involving non-judgement, non-suffering, non-attachment, non-engagement, owning your projections and much much more. Upon completion you will not only be transformed, but empowered in the shamanic ways. You will ceremoniously receive the title, Pampamesayok Shaman. As a bonus, you will receive and learn to administer the nine rites of the Munay-Ki, a gift to mankind bestowed upon us from our Q’ero elders from the High Andes.
2023 Group:
Part 1, SOUTH: TBD
Part 2, WEST: TBD
Part 3, NORTH: TBD
Part 4, EAST: TBD
9:00am to 6:00pm
Private Address. To be emailed
For anyone being called to the Ancient Ways
YES. Limited to a group maximum of 8 students, one group per course each year.
Taking Reservations NOW!
$1250 per class/direction. $5,000 in total for the 4 class course.
Remittance is due before each class start date.
A one-time, non-refundable $250 registration fee is required immediately to hold your spot. CashApp, Zelle, Check, Paypal and Major Credit Cards are accepted.

Murphy, NC 28906
Murphy, NC 28906