Please enjoy exploring our website to learn more about our practice of Shamanism. We are available to answer questions and to help you book a session.
Shaman Brad and Shaman Priscilla
Follow your own footsteps
Learn from the rivers, the trees, the rocks
Honor the Christ, The Buddha, Your brothers and sisters.
Honor your Earth Mother and The Great Spirit
Honor Yourself and all of creation
Look with the eyes of your soul and engage the essential
The Inca Q’ero of Peru
At Ancient Rose our focus is:
- To help you discover and understand the root cause of your distress;
- To remove energetic blockages that cut you off from your vital life force and divine purpose;
- To aid you in shedding the heavy energy that keeps you from feeling connected to yourself and community;
- To restore balance in your energy field allowing you to reconnect to your authentic self and living your best life.
- To help you envision a glimpse of your destiny and the infinite possibilities you can embrace and create.

Meeting you where you are and supporting your path to wholeness.
Become a Pampamesayok Full Mesa Carrying Shaman
Explore some of the many Shamanic Practices and tools used in ceremony.
Please enjoy exploring our website to learn more about our practice of Shamanism. We are available to answer questions and to help you book a session.
Shaman Brad and Shaman Priscilla
Follow your own footsteps
Learn from the rivers, the trees, the rocks
Honor the Christ, The Buddha, Your brothers and sisters.
Honor your Earth Mother and The Great Spirit
Honor Yourself and all of creation
Look with the eyes of your soul and engage the essential
The Inca Q’ero of Peru

At Ancient Rose our focus is:
- To help you discover and understand the root cause of your distress;
- To remove energetic blockages that cut you off from your vital life force and divine purpose;
- To aid you in shedding the heavy energy that keeps you from feeling connected to yourself and community;
- To restore balance in your energy field allowing you to reconnect to your authentic self and living your best life.
- To help you envision a glimpse of your destiny and the infinite possibilities you can embrace and create.
Meeting you where you are and supporting your path to wholeness.
Become a Pampamesayok Full Mesa Carrying Shaman
Explore some of the many Shamanic Practices and tools used in ceremony.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Shamanism?
For tens of thousands of years, certain men and women have felt called to heal the sick, safeguard knowledge, and help those who have lost their way or those who are feeling under spiritual attack. The Shaman communes with spirit allies for themselves and on behalf of others.
- Shamanism is an ancient world view and practice that dates back 50,000 years. It is a belief and understanding of the workings of “heaven and earth”; the physical realms and the spiritual realms. The shaman of old understood the inter-connection between the various realms long before modern science validated this knowledge.
- Shamanism is not a religion. It is more consistent with quantum physics and the understanding of how energy influences matter based on consciousness observing it.
- It is a practice that understands the inter-connection between consciousness and the time-space continuum. It is grounded on the principle that the visible world is saturated with unseen forces that influence the lives of human beings-whether emotional, physical, or spiritual.
- The word shaman comes from the Tungus language of Siberia and literally means ‘he or she who knows’. It also means, “One who takes flight, like an eagle”, or one who journeys.
- The traditions of the shaman are typically earth based and centered around the divine feminine which is the energy of the creative life force (Pachamama, Gaia, Mother Earth). Without the mother we are not able to exist in this third-dimension realm. The practices of the shaman are experiential and participatory.
- The Shaman understands the dance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, two opposite forces, that work in harmony together to create physical form: Consciousness and Emotion, Head and Heart, Yin and Yang. As we evolve in consciousness we must strive to balance and utilize these two powerful forces within ourselves.
- Shamanism is a beautiful cosmological view that understands we are all connected through energetic pathways that flow through the Universe.
Who is a Shaman?
“’Shaman’ is an ancient term for a healer — a person of medicine. Shamans understand that the material world is an expression of a subtler energetic realm, and are able to interact with both realms at all times. They learned how to dream their world into being within this energetic realm, so they could participate in the creation and stewardship of reality.”
-Alberto Villoldo, PhD
- Historically Shaman were the “keepers of wisdom”; the mystics and seers chosen by spirit to function in this role for the benefit of the tribal community.
- Shamans are intermediaries between the physical world of space-time and the spirit world of frequency, light and energy.
- Shaman are often in communication with compassionate helping spirits who assist and guide them when in the spirit realm.
- Shaman undergo their own personal training and healing of self in order to help others and the planet heal and evolve to higher consciousness… a state of being much closer to divine source.
- A Shaman will step out of ordinary time into an “altered state of consciousness” in order to work with spirit guides to discover the source cause of illness, dis-ease, soul loss, limiting beliefs or curses. The Shaman will then do what is necessary in the spirit realm to help an individual or community restore Ayni (right relationship) in order to heal and/or recover wholeness.
According to Christina Pratt, the author of “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”:
“A shaman is an individual who has mastery in: accessing altered states of consciousness; being the bridge between the spirit world and the physical plane for the highest good of the community; and meeting the needs of his/her community in ways that other figures – doctors, mental health workers, religious leaders, etc. – can’t.
No one can be a shaman if not supported by a spirit since any healing done by a shaman is only possible as a result of the way they interact with the spirit world. In fact, it is believed that a shaman cannot actually call himself or herself a shaman as it is up to the spirits or the other people in the community to use that term. Shaman is not a word that should be used lightly.
Traditionally, it has been a very respectable position in a tribe that comes with a lot of responsibility. It wasn’t a highly desirable job, given that it could be emotionally draining and isolating, surely not easy. A shaman is the one who takes care of the healing needs of the people.“
- Shamanism has re-emerged as modern men and women feel the same call to service that their ancestors felt long ago. Also, as more individuals explore the notion that healing necessarily involves the soul as well as the physical self, people are consulting Shaman in their search for wellness, wisdom, and guidance.
- Core shamanism and Neo shamanism have expanded shamanic understanding and practice from tribal cultural recognition to a global recognition of the role, practice and function.
- Though the methods and beliefs are vastly different, a loosely related contemporary role and function might be a chaplain, spiritual counselor, priest/priestess, seer or intuitive.
Who is a Shamanic Practitioner?
“A Shaman is not a special human being,
or somebody coming is strange clothes,
but a person who has explored their own self
and therefore, is able to guide you on your inner path,
So that you can come home to yourself”
Angaangaq, The Ice Shaman
The term, “Shamanic Practitioner” is applicable to people who are adopting a shamanic way of life even though they might not have cultural roots in shamanism. The calling to approach the world, nature and all our relations with sacredness and deep reverence is not something that one specific group of people should claim for themselves. Each of us has genetic ties to tribes and cultures that practice these ancient ways. Nonetheless, out of respect for the rituals, beliefs, and titles of individual cultures to which many modern-day practitioners are not a part, it is important not to claim them for one’s own.
The traditions that we teach at Ancient Rose are gifted to humanity by the Q’ero of Peru who understand that we are living in a very unique time that requires humanity to awaken and evolve to higher consciousness as we become homo-luminous beings. We are dreaming our world into existence and the ancient knowledge has been forgotten and needs to resurface to aid the evolution process.
Why would I need a Shamanic session?
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
attributed to Pierre Tielhard de Chardin
The simple answer:
You are experiencing distress in your life and need help resolving the uncomfortable feelings,thoughts and emotions that are limiting you from accomplishing your desired goals.
The longer explanation:
The Shaman understands the nature and challenge of what it means to be spiritual beings living in complicated and sometimes harsh situations. We are designed by nature to deal with threats, real or perceived. There is a mechanism in the brain called the “flight, fight or freeze” syndrome that activates when someone experiences a threat the brain goes into overdrive and strives to resolve the threat.
We all experience some level of this in everyday life. The brain is always scanning our environment looking for potential threats. One of the ways the mind resolves uncomfortable over whelming threat is to find a behavior that makes the threat go away…physically run away or destroy the threat… dissociate from the threat by psychologically, emotionally and spiritually moving away from the threat. This is what shaman understand as “soul loss”. A part of the self separates from the whole and hides deep in the unconscious, or underworld, in order to pretend the threat does not exist.
Trauma, real or perceived, is the response to deeply distressing or disturbing events that overwhelm our ability to cope, causing feelings of helplessness and diminishing one’s sense of self. When we are disconnected from our vital power, our Soul, we lose personal power that shows up through dissatisfaction in life, health, and overall way of existing.
Shamanic healing is concerned with healing one’s experience of traumatic events, restoring and reconnecting individuals to their personal power, love, compassion, and relationships in order to live full, authentic, vibrant, purposeful, and meaningful lives as we are meant to.
All healing is done by Spirit. Healing happens naturally. The shaman creates the conditions for health through nutrition, healing the emotions and spiritual practice, therfore disease goes away. Health is a bi-product. The elimination of disease is natural. Shamans do not treat disease; they treat the conditions of disease by working directly in the information field…the luminous energy field…. thus, creating the conditions for health.
NOTE: Shaman do not replace the need for medical or psychological help. Shamanism works in the energy field that surrounds and informs the physical body. The Shaman can move energetic imprints that could potentially be blocking one from optimal health. Shaman heal in the energy body which them helps the mental and physical bodies.
Many come to us hoping for a cure to the distress or dis-ease they are experiencing. The shaman cannot promise the outcome you are hoping for (cure), however, we can promise to hold space for you and help you create the best possible healing energy field for you to experience optimal health.
“If a snake bites you, you go to the doctor for treatment.
If you want to know why the snake bit you…go to the shaman”.
Signs you might have experienced soul loss:
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: “When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”
― Gabrielle Roth
- You feel disconnected from yourself and the world. Parts within yourself feel missing or broken and you feel lost or incomplete. You feel stuck and unable to engage life.
- You are having difficulty resolving a trauma or difficult situation. You might think…ever since this happened I do not feel like myself any more. Equally, you may wonder why patterns keep repeating in your life that do not serve you or bring you happiness.
- You experience strong uncomfortable emotions that you cannot resolve; like sadness, fear, anger or no feeling at all, numbness. You feel helpless or hopeless; unable to trust and believe you are worthy and deserving of love, joy and happiness.
- You feel disappointed with life and no longer feel connected to meaning and purpose. You wonder what’s the point? You have difficulty envisioning and looking forward to the future.
- You think you might have an entity or destructive spirit attached to you or spaces in which you live and work.
What is Shamanism?
For tens of thousands of years, certain men and women have felt called to heal the sick, safeguard knowledge, and help those who have lost their way or those who are feeling under spiritual attack. The Shaman communes with spirit allies for themselves and on behalf of others.
- Shamanism is an ancient world view and practice that dates back 50,000 years. It is a belief and understanding of the workings of “heaven and earth”; the physical realms and the spiritual realms. The shaman of old understood the inter-connection between the various realms long before modern science validated this knowledge.
- Shamanism is not a religion. It is more consistent with quantum physics and the understanding of how energy influences matter based on consciousness observing it.
- It is a practice that understands the inter-connection between consciousness and the time-space continuum. It is grounded on the principle that the visible world is saturated with unseen forces that influence the lives of human beings-whether emotional, physical, or spiritual.
- The word shaman comes from the Tungus language of Siberia and literally means ‘he or she who knows’. It also means, “One who takes flight, like an eagle”, or one who journeys.
- The traditions of the shaman are typically earth based and centered around the divine feminine which is the energy of the creative life force (Pachamama, Gaia, Mother Earth). Without the mother we are not able to exist in this third-dimension realm. The practices of the shaman are experiential and participatory.
- The Shaman understands the dance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, two opposite forces that work in harmony together to create physical form. Consciousness and Emotion; Head and heart; yin and yang. To be whole we must learn to harness within ourselves both the divine feminine AND the divine masculine.
- Shamanism is a beautiful cosmological view that understands we are all connected through energetic pathways that flow through the Universe.
Who is a Shaman?
“’Shaman’ is an ancient term for a healer — a person of medicine. Shamans understand that the material world is an expression of a subtler energetic realm, and are able to interact with both realms at all times. They learned how to dream their world into being within this energetic realm, so they could participate in the creation and stewardship of reality.”
-Alberto Villoldo, PhD
- Historically Shaman were the “keepers of wisdom”; the mystics and seers chosen by spirit to function in this role for the benefit of the tribal community.
- Shamans are intermediaries between the physical world of space-time and the spirit world of frequency, light and energy.
- Shaman are often in communication with compassionate helping spirits who assist and guide them when in the spirit realm.
- Shaman undergo their own personal training and healing of self in order to help others and the planet heal and evolve to higher consciousness… a state of being much closer to divine source.
- A Shaman will step out of ordinary time into an “altered state of consciousness” in order to work with spirit guides to discover the source cause of illness, dis-ease, soul loss, limiting beliefs or curses. The Shaman will then do what is necessary in the spirit realm to help an individual or community restore Ayni (right relationship) in order to heal and/or recover wholeness.
According to Christina Pratt, the author of “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”:
“A shaman is an individual who has mastery in: accessing altered states of consciousness; being the bridge between the spirit world and the physical plane for the highest good of the community; and meeting the needs of his/her community in ways that other figures – doctors, mental health workers, religious leaders, etc. – can’t.
No one can be a shaman if not supported by a spirit since any healing done by a shaman is only possible as a result of the way they interact with the spirit world. In fact, it is believed that a shaman cannot actually call himself or herself a shaman as it is up to the spirits or the other people in the community to use that term. Shaman is not a word that should be used lightly.
Traditionally, it has been a very respectable position in a tribe that comes with a lot of responsibility. It wasn’t a highly desirable job, given that it could be emotionally draining and isolating, surely not easy. A shaman is the one who takes care of the healing needs of the people.“
- Shamanism has re-emerged as modern men and women feel the same call to service that their ancestors felt long ago. Also, as more individuals explore the notion that healing necessarily involves the soul as well as the physical self, people are consulting Shaman in their search for wellness, wisdom, and guidance.
- Core shamanism and Neo shamanism have expanded shamanic understanding and practice from tribal cultural recognition to a global recognition of the role, practice and function.
- Though the methods and beliefs are vastly different, a loosely related contemporary role and function might be a chaplain, spiritual counselor, priest/priestess, seer or intuitive.
Who is a Shamanic Practitioner?
“A Shaman is not a special human being,
or somebody coming is strange clothes,
but a person who has explored their own self
and therefore, is able to guide you on your inner path,
So that you can come home to yourself”
Angaangaq, The Ice Shaman
The term, “Shamanic Practitioner” is applicable to people who are adopting a shamanic way of life even though they might not have cultural roots in shamanism. The calling to approach the world, nature and all our relations with sacredness and deep reverence is not something that one specific group of people should claim for themselves. Each of us has genetic ties to tribes and cultures that practice these ancient ways. Nonetheless, out of respect for the rituals, beliefs, and titles of individual cultures to which many modern-day practitioners are not a part, it is important not to claim them for one’s own.
The traditions that we teach at Ancient Rose are gifted to humanity by the Q’ero of Peru who understand that we are living in a very unique time that requires humanity to awaken and evolve to higher consciousness as we become homo-luminous beings. We are dreaming our world into existence and the ancient knowledge has been forgotten and needs to resurface to aid the evolution process.
Why would I need a Shamanic session?
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
attributed to Pierre Tielhard de Chardin
The simple answer:
You are experiencing distress in your life and need help resolving the uncomfortable feelings,thoughts and emotions that are limiting you from accomplishing your desired goals.
The longer explanation:
The Shaman understands the nature and challenge of what it means to be spiritual beings living in complicated and sometimes harsh situations. We are designed by nature to deal with threats, real or perceived. There is a mechanism in the brain called the “flight, fight or freeze” syndrome that activates when someone experiences a threat the brain goes into overdrive and strives to resolve the threat.
We all experience some level of this in everyday life. The brain is always scanning our environment looking for potential threats. One of the ways the mind resolves uncomfortable over whelming threat is to find a behavior that makes the threat go away… physically run away or destroy the threat… dissociate from the threat by psychologically, emotionally and spiritually moving away from the threat. This is what shaman understand as “soul loss”. A part of the self separates from the whole and hides deep in the unconscious, or underworld, in order to pretend the threat does not exist.
Trauma, real or perceived, is the response to deeply distressing or disturbing events that overwhelm our ability to cope, causing feelings of helplessness and diminishing one’s sense of self. When we are disconnected from our vital power, our Soul, we lose personal power that shows up through dissatisfaction in life, health, and overall way of existing.
Shamanic healing is concerned with healing one’s experience of traumatic events, restoring and reconnecting individuals to their personal power, love, compassion, and relationships in order to live full, authentic, vibrant, purposeful, and meaningful lives as we are meant to.
All healing is done by Spirit. Healing happens naturally. The shaman creates the conditions for health through nutrition, healing the emotions and spiritual practice, Therefore disease goes away. Health is a bi-product. The elimination of disease is natural. Shamans do not treat disease; they treat the conditions of disease by working directly in the information field…the luminous energy field…. thus, creating the conditions for health.
NOTE: Shaman do not replace the need for medical or psychological help. Shamanism works in the energy field that surrounds and informs the physical body. The Shaman can move energetic imprints that could potentially be blocking one from optimal health. Shaman heal in the energy body which them helps the mental and physical bodies.
Many come to us hoping for a cure to the distress or dis-ease they are experiencing. The shaman cannot promise the outcome you are hoping for (cure), however, we can promise to hold space for you and help you create the best possible healing energy field for you to experience optimal health.
“If a snake bites you, you go to the doctor for treatment.
If you want to know why the snake bit you…go to the shaman”.
Signs you might have experienced soul loss:
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: “When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”
― Gabrielle Roth
- You feel disconnected from yourself and the world. Parts within yourself feel missing or broken and you feel lost or incomplete. You feel stuck and unable to engage life.
- You are having difficulty resolving a trauma or difficult situation. You might think…ever since this happened I do not feel like myself any more. Equally, you may wonder why patterns keep repeating in your life that do not serve you or bring you happiness.
- You experience strong uncomfortable emotions that you cannot resolve; like sadness, fear, anger or no feeling at all, numbness. You feel helpless or hopeless; unable to trust and believe you are worthy and deserving of love, joy and happiness.
- You feel disappointed with life and no longer feel connected to meaning and purpose. You wonder what’s the point? You have difficulty envisioning and looking forward to the future.
- You think you might have an entity or destructive spirit attached to you or spaces in which you live and work.
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