“One does not become a Shaman. One is born one…
and the path becomes one of remembering those spiritual connections.”

“One does not become a Shaman. One is born one…
and the path becomes one of remembering those spiritual connections.”
Ancient Rose offers a wonderful opportunity to empower yourself in the healing ways of the Ancient Ones.
The process of learning Shamanic traditions is one of remembering. Remembering the many life times that you have served in this role before. The course objectives are designed to help you shed the many layers of story and belief so you can return to your authentic self. As you learn to do this process for yourself, you will also learn to help others. The history and traditions of our earth based medicine men and women ‘is’ full o magic and beauty.
In this course:
- You will learn to create sacred space, honor the four directions, their archetypes, the mother earth and the higher realms.
- You will learn about the new human–the Homo Luminous, and the Light Body and meridians.
- You will learn about the spiritual and physical tools of a Pampamesayok Shaman and how to illuminate, to extract, to cut cords and to ‘take soul flights’ on behalf of others.
- Through fire ceremony you will be taught methods of giving thanks and honoring the energies of all creation and how to manifest anything you desire.
- You will learn about journeying and receive various ways to enhance your third eye’s vision while taking a journey into the Akash.
- During the course you will be exposed to the ways of shamanic living involving non-judgement, non-suffering, non-attachment, non-engagement, owning your projections and much much more.
Upon completion you will not only be transformed, but empowered in the shamanic ways. You will ceremoniously receive the title, Pampamesayok Shaman. As a bonus, you will receive and learn to administer the nine rites of the Munay-Ki, a gift to humankind bestowed upon us from our Q’ero elders from the High Andes.

Ancient Rose offers a wonderful opportunity to empower yourself in the healing ways of the Ancient Ones.
The process of learning Shamanic traditions is one of remembering. Remembering the many life times that you have served in this role before. The course objectives are designed to help you shed the many layers of story and belief so you can return to your authentic self. As you learn to do this process for yourself, you will also learn to help others. The history and traditions of our earth based medicine men and women full of magic and beauty.
In this course:
- You will learn to create sacred space, honor the four directions, their archetypes, the mother earth and the higher realms.
- You will learn about the new human–the Homo Luminous, and the Light Body and meridians.
- You will learn about the spiritual and physical tools of a Pampamesayok Shaman and how to illuminate, to extract, to cut cords and to ‘take soul flights’ on behalf of others.
- Through fire ceremony you will be taught methods of giving thanks and honoring the energies of all creation and how to manifest anything you desire.
- You will learn about journeying and receive various ways to enhance your third eye’s vision while taking a journey into the Akash.
- During the course you will be exposed to the ways of shamanic living involving non-judgement, non-suffering, non-attachment, non-engagement, owning your projections and much much more.
Upon completion you will not only be transformed, but empowered in the shamanic ways. You will ceremoniously receive the title, Pampamesayok Shaman. As a bonus, you will receive and learn to administer the nine rites of the Munay-Ki, a gift to humankind bestowed upon us from our Q’ero elders from the High Andes.

Four Direction Sessions
Four Direction Sessions
SOUTH: The Way of The Hero
The Archetype and Medicine of Sachamama, the Great Serpent;
The Path of Healing, Sensing, Walking in Beauty
& Owning your own power.
The Hero is the energy of embracing your authentic self in the midst of the life circumstances that make up your story. You are not your story, you are the one observing and creating your story. The way of the Hero means to understand that our pain and traumas helped us find our strength and compassion.
The Hero understands that the characters we’ve created were created to explain what happened to us. Suffering occurs when we believe these stories to be true – whether we created the story or someone created them for us.
The Way of the Hero is to:
- Shed the stories we tell ourselves that are not serving us – the way serpent sheds her skin so she can grow larger.
- Release identifying with the victim
- Empower ourselves to dream into being our own tale of strength, healing, and beauty.
South Objectives:
- Learn to Open Create Sacred Space, Open the Four Directions and your Eighth chakra (Wiracocha).
- Learn to do Shamanic Journey into the middle world to meet your spirit guide, power animal and Quetzalcoatl the keeper of this realm.
- Learn to Step out of ordinary time into a shamanic state of consciousness by “riding the drum” and opening your eighth chakra.
- Learn to perform a Shamanic Illumination.
- Receive a Shamanic Illumination.
- Use a pendulum to find and read energy imprints in the chakras.
- Learn to facilitate a Fire Ceremony for releasing and manifesting intentions
- Work with your Kuya’s (healing stones) and Spirit guides as your work in the Luminous Energy Field.
- Make your own Shamanic Rattle to use as a took in healing.
- Connect with the Archetypes and Spirit Allies who will guide you as you heal yourself and others.
Munay Ki Rites:
Energetic transmissions that were gifted to the ancients by angelic light beings. They are passed on from teacher to student. The Munay Ki rites are always given freely meaning anyone can receive them and there is not prerequisite or judgment as to whom may or may not receive these. In the Andes shamans accept a tangible gift to help the receiver accept the initiation. In the West, we accept monetary donation that will cover time and expenses.
· Rite One: The Healer’s Rite This first rite connects you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past, who come to assist you in your personal transformation. Awakens the healing power in your hands so that everyone you touch is blessed. There is tremendous spiritual assistance available, and these luminous ones work in our sleep to heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors. This rite opens the pathways to healing, organizes, aligns and informs your energetic support system.
· Rite Two: The Bands of Power Rite Five luminous belts that are woven into the luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward the person, into one of the five elements. These energies then feed your LEF instead of making you sick. This rite powerfully strengthens and empowers your luminous energy field, bringing you an even greater capacity to engage the
power of transformation. These bands are incredibly protective and nurturing – everyone should have them!
· Rite Three: The Harmony Rite Transmission of 7 Archetypal Energies into the Chakras. This rite connects you with powerful archetypal allies that can assist you in coming into right relationship in every aspect of your life. These allies support and encourage the cleansing and clearing, opening and empowering of each one of your 7 chakras. Balancing and harmonizing your energetic structure and the exchanges you make in the world.
· Rite four: Seer’s Rite Extra-cerebral pathways of light are installed that connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit. It clears and opens your capacity to shift the perceptions and projections you are constantly engaging
WEST: The Way of Fearlessness and Certainty
The Archetype and Medicine of Ortoronago, Mother, Sister
jaguar who teaches us to live life impeccably and authentically.
The path of peace, integrity and the way beyond limitations, including death.
Jaguar has no natural predators in the jungle lives fearlessly.
In West you will learn to leave behind the traditional archetype of the violent warrior and step into the shoes of the luminous warrior, who speaks only truth, walks truth, and calls truth. Break free from the grip of fear and prepare to journey beyond death. Jaguar medicine teaches us to live life fearlessly; to track and mulch that which does not service our highest potential.
West Objectives:
- Practice and build on the skills learned in South; particularly illuminations
- Learn to track and miquay (mulch) energetic blockages and barriers that hinder optimal spiritual well being: health, destiny and right relationship with self, the world and others.
- Discover and explore how your ancestors live through you.
- Release the ancestral and karmic patterns and beliefs that lock you into generational destiny and will set your familial lineage free seven generations back and seven generations forward.
- Embrace ancestral gifts that empower you to create the world of your dreams.
- Understand the Shaman’s perceptual states which will allow you to track or “see” phenomena on the physical, emotional, mythic and energetic levels.
- Energy Extractions:
~ Crystallized – energy that has solidifies in the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) that blocks the Universal flow of chi, the life giving energy that keeps us healthy, well and connected to divine source.
~ Fluid Energies that move freely through the LEF but are foreign to that energy field; can create a parasitic relationship with the host.
~ Energy Attachments or Entities which feed on your energy and use the LEF as a host for a consciousness that does not belong.
~ Egg extractions.
- Learn to use crystals and crystallines grids to support working in the LEF… releasing, anchoring and supporting the process with the help of the stone people.
~ Particularly using a Vogel cut Quartz Crystal to amplify and/or lazer into energetic obstacles.
~ Using crystals to stitch up the LEF that has been damaged by surgery, cutting or tearing of the physical body into the light body.
- Learn to facilitate a Despacho Ceremony. A beautiful ceremony that creates a floral wreath and offerings to the Pachamam, Sacred Mother Earth. The Despacho holds intentions that are then dispatched into the universe to through fire ceremony.
- Shamanic Journey into the underworld to meet your underworld power animal, visit the cave of the ancestors, and the crystalline cave of creation.
- Fire darts for releasing or manifesting intentions.
Munay Ki Rites:
· Rite Five: The Day-Keeper’s Rite Connecting you to a lineage of master healers from the past, the Day-keepers rite enables you to call on the ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, call on the sun to rise each day, and bring humans into harmony with mother Earth. They are the midwives, herbalists and Curanderas/healers. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.
· Rite Six: The Wisdom-Keeper’s Rite Connecting you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future, this rite is associated with the snow-capped mountains, perhaps a distant memory of our ancestors from the Himalayas. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity.
The Way of The Hero
The Archetype and Medicine of Sachamama, the Great Serpent;
The Path of Healing, Sensing, Walking in Beauty & Owning your own power.
The Hero is the energy of embracing your authentic self in the midst of the life circumstances that make up your story. You are not your story, you are the one observing and creating your story. The way of the Hero means to understand that our pain and traumas helped us find our strength and compassion.
The Hero understands that the characters we’ve created were created to explain what happened to us. Suffering occurs when we believe these stories to be true – whether we created the story or someone created them for us.
The Way of the Hero is to:
- Shed the stories we tell ourselves that are not serving us – the way serpent sheds her skin so she can grow larger.
- Release identifying with the victim
- Empower ourselves to dream into being our own tale of strength, healing, and beauty.
South Objectives:
- Learn to Open Create Sacred Space, Open the Four Directions and your Eighth chakra (Wiracocha).
- Learn to do Shamanic Journey into the middle world to meet your spirit guide, power animal and Quetzalcoatl the keeper of this realm.
- Learn to Step out of ordinary time into a shamanic state of consciousness by “riding the drum” and opening your eighth chakra.
- Learn to perform a Shamanic Illumination.
- Receive a Shamanic Illumination.
- Use a pendulum to find and read energy imprints in the chakras.
- Learn to facilitate a Fire Ceremony for releasing and manifesting intentions
- Work with your Kuya’s (healing stones) and Spirit guides as your work in the Luminous Energy Field.
- Make your own Shamanic Rattle to use as a took in healing.
- Connect with the Archetypes and Spirit Allies who will guide you as you heal yourself and others.
Munay Ki Rites:
Energetic transmissions that were gifted to the ancients by angelic light beings. They are passed on from teacher to student. The Munay Ki rites are always given freely meaning anyone can receive them and there is not prerequisite or judgment as to whom may or may not receive these. In the Andes shamans accept a tangible gift to help the receiver accept the initiation. In the West, we accept monetary donation that will cover time and expenses.
· Rite One: The Healer’s Rite This first rite connects you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past, who come to assist you in your personal transformation. Awakens the healing power in your hands so that everyone you touch is blessed. There is tremendous spiritual assistance available, and these luminous ones work in our sleep to heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors. This rite opens the pathways to healing, organizes, aligns and informs your energetic support system.
· Rite Two: The Bands of Power Rite Five luminous belts that are woven into the luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward the person, into one of the five elements. These energies then feed your LEF instead of making you sick. This rite powerfully strengthens and empowers your luminous energy field, bringing you an even greater capacity to engage the
power of transformation. These bands are incredibly protective and nurturing – everyone should have them!
· Rite Three: The Harmony Rite Transmission of 7 Archetypal Energies into the Chakras. This rite connects you with powerful archetypal allies that can assist you in coming into right relationship in every aspect of your life. These allies support and encourage the cleansing and clearing, opening and empowering of each one of your 7 chakras. Balancing and harmonizing your energetic structure and the exchanges you make in the world.
· Rite four: Seer’s Rite Extra-cerebral pathways of light are installed that connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit. It clears and opens your capacity to shift the perceptions and projections you are constantly engaging.
WEST: The Way of Fearlessness and Certainty
The Archetype and Medicine of Ortoronago, Mother, Sister
jaguar who teaches us to live life impeccably and authentically.
The path of peace, integrity and the way beyond limitations, including death.
Jaguar has no natural predators in the jungle lives fearlessly.
In West you will learn to leave behind the traditional archetype of the violent warrior and step into the shoes of the luminous warrior, who speaks only truth, walks truth, and calls truth. Break free from the grip of fear and prepare to journey beyond death. Jaguar medicine teaches us to live life fearlessly; to track and mulch that which does not service our highest potential.
West Objectives:
- Practice and build on the skills learned in South; particularly illuminations
- Learn to track and miquay (mulch) energetic blockages and barriers that hinder optimal spiritual well being: health, destiny and right relationship with self, the world and others.
- Discover and explore how your ancestors live through you.
- Release the ancestral and karmic patterns and beliefs that lock you into generational destiny and will set your familial lineage free seven generations back and seven generations forward.
- Embrace ancestral gifts that empower you to create the world of your dreams.
- Understand the Shaman’s perceptual states which will allow you to track or “see” phenomena on the physical, emotional, mythic and energetic levels.
- Energy Extractions:
~ Crystallized – energy that has solidifies in the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) that blocks the Universal flow of chi, the life giving energy that keeps us healthy, well and connected to divine source.
~ Fluid Energies that move freely through the LEF but are foreign to that energy field; can create a parasitic relationship with the host.
~ Energy Attachments or Entities which feed on your energy and use the LEF as a host for a consciousness that does not belong.
~ Egg extractions.
- Learn to use crystals and crystallines grids to support working in the LEF… releasing, anchoring and supporting the process with the help of the stone people.
~ Particularly using a Vogel cut Quartz Crystal to amplify and/or laser into energetic obstacles.
~ Using crystals to stitch up the LEF that has been damaged by surgery, cutting or tearing of the physical body into the light body.
- Learn to facilitate a Despacho Ceremony. A beautiful ceremony that creates a floral wreath and offerings to the Pachamama, Sacred Mother Earth. The Despacho holds intentions that are then dispatched into the universe to through fire ceremony.
- Shamanic Journey into the underworld to meet your underworld power animal, visit the cave of the ancestors, and the crystalline cave of creation.
- Fire darts for releasing or manifesting intentions.
Munay Ki Rites:
· Rite Five: The Day-Keeper’s Rite Connecting you to a lineage of master healers from the past, the Day-keepers rite enables you to call on the ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, call on the sun to rise each day, and bring humans into harmony with mother Earth. They are the midwives, herbalists and Curanderas/healers. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.
· Rite Six: The Wisdom-Keeper’s Rite Connecting you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future, this rite is associated with the snow-capped mountains, perhaps a distant memory of our ancestors from the Himalayas. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity.
NORTH: Courage For The Epic Journey
The Archetype and Medicine of Sara Q’inti, Royal Hummingbird who
teaches us to drink deeply from the sweet nectar of life.
“Path of Invisibility, Timelessness & Destiny”
Hummingbird is not built for flight yet it is able to take the long journey from Chili to the Artic without worrying about how it will be fed or find shelter. It drinks the sweet nectar of life trusting it will find all that it needs. It leaves it’s nest trusting all will be provided.
Hummingbird medicine teaches us to have the courage to step out and take the epic journey. To trust ourselves and higher guidance to alway give us what we need to create our true destiny.
North Objectives:
- Soul Retrieval – Journey into the underworld to the chamber of the soul to find a person’s wound, contract, lost soul essence and spiritual gifts that will enable them to fulfill their destiny.
- Shamanic Journey into the underworld (not to be confused with Christian “hell”) to meet Huascar the Lord of the Underworld and your guide through the chambers of the soul.
- The Kuya’s for this direction will go through the fire as we learn invisibility, timelessness and destiny.
- Learn to channel from the highest realm of love and light.
- Discover and release the many roles and beliefs we use to keep ourselves from freely moving in and out of time.
- Cord & Feeder tube cutting.
Munay Ki Rites:
· Rite Seven: The Earth-Keeper’s Rite This rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our galaxy, stewards of all life on Earth. This rite connects you to the stars, and to the sun, our local star. It helps you learn the ways of the seer and dream the world into being.
· Rite Eight: The Star Keeper’s Rite This rite connects to who you are becoming. Each of your energetic centers are aligned and informed by the highest state of your being. Your physical body begins to evolve into homo luminous, the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease.
NORTH: Courage For The Epic Journey
The Archetype and Medicine of Sara Q’inti, Royal Hummingbird who
teaches us to drink deeply from the sweet nectar of life.
“Path of Invisibility, Timelessness & Destiny”
Hummingbird is not built for flight yet it is able to take the long journey from Chili to the Artic without worrying about how it will be fed or find shelter. It drinks the sweet nectar of life trusting it will find all that it needs. It leaves it’s nest trusting all will be provided.
Hummingbird medicine teaches us to have the courage to step out and take the epic journey. To trust ourselves and higher guidance to alway give us what we need to create our true destiny.
North Objectives:
- Soul Retrieval – Journey into the underworld to the chamber of the soul to find a person’s wound, contract, lost soul essence and spiritual gifts that will enable them to fulfill their destiny.
- Shamanic Journey into the underworld (not to be confused with Christian “hell”) to meet Huascar the Lord of the Underworld and your guide through the chambers of the soul.
- The Kuya’s for this direction will go through the fire as we learn invisibility, timelessness and destiny.
- Learn to channel from the highest realm of love and light.
- Discover and release the many roles and beliefs we use to keep ourselves from freely moving in and out of time.
- Cord & Feeder tube cutting.
Munay Ki Rites:
· Rite Seven: The Earth-Keeper’s Rite This rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our galaxy, stewards of all life on Earth. This rite connects you to the stars, and to the sun, our local star. It helps you learn the ways of the seer and dream the world into being.
· Rite Eight: The Star Keeper’s Rite This rite connects to who you are becoming. Each of your energetic centers are aligned and informed by the highest state of your being. Your physical body begins to evolve into homo luminous, the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease.
EAST: Dreaming Our World Into Being
The Archetype and Medicine of the Eagle and Condor who fly wingtip to wingtip with the Great One; teaching us to rise up and see from the perspective of higher consciousness the infinite possibilities we can bring into being.
“Path of vision, Possibility and Dreaming the world into being.”
Eagle and Condor are birds of prey that are able to fly high above the earth to gain a broader perspective that allows them to see and hunt their prey far below on the earth. This medicine teaches us too to see our lives from a higher perspective in order to gain vision, clarity and to see the infinite number of possibilities we can create. Eagle/Condor show us the mountains we only dare to dream of.
East Objectives:
- Divination
~ Lithomacy – roll stones or toss the bones
~ Egg Divination
~ Coca Leaf readings
~ Cards
~ Scrying
- Destiny Retrieval
- Shamanic Journey into the Upper World to meet Pachacuti the keeper of the realm; the five levels of the upper world; and the place of finding ones destiny.
- Learn to die consciously.
~ Death Spiral
~ Exploring the beliefs around death and dying
~ Soul Flight
~ Transitioning
- Afterlife Soul Retrievals
Munay Ki Rites:
· Rite Nine: The Creator Rite Awakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. This rite opens your awareness of the true nature of your being and expands your capacity to co-create your experience.
· Women’s Rite – 13
EAST: Dreaming Our World Into Being
The Archetype and Medicine of the Eagle and Condor who fly wingtip to wingtip with the Great One; teaching us to rise up and see from the perspective of higher consciousness the infinite possibilities we can bring into being.
“Path of vision, Possibility and Dreaming the world into being.”
Eagle and Condor are birds of prey that are able to fly high above the earth to gain a broader perspective that allows them to see and hunt their prey far below on the earth. This medicine teaches us too to see our lives from a higher perspective in order to gain vision, clarity and to see the infinite number of possibilities we can create. Eagle/Condor show us the mountains we only dare to dream of.
East Objectives:
- Divination
~ Lithomacy -roll stones or toss the bones
~ Egg Divination
~ Coca Leaf readings
~ Cards
~ Scrying
- Destiny Retrieval
- Shamanic Journey into the Upper World to meet Pachacuti the keeper of the realm; the five levels of the upper world; and the place of finding ones destiny.
- Learn to die consciously.
~ Death Spiral
~ Exploring beliefs around death & dying
~ Soul Flight
~ Transitioning
- Afterlife Soul Retrievals
Munay Ki Rites:
· Rite Nine: The Creator Rite Awakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. This rite opens your awareness of the true nature of your being and expands your capacity to co-create your experience.
· Women’s Rite – 13

- Four 4 day weekends over the course of a year; meeting roughly every three months at Ancient Rose in Murphy, NC.
- Continued practice, reading and learning, mentoring and peer support in between sessions to integrate your experience.
- Tuition: $5,000 which is paid in 4 equal increments prior to the start of each direction.
- $250 non-refundable deposit to hold your place in the class. The $250 will be deducted from the first tuition installment of $1250.
Four 4 day weekends over the course of a year; meeting roughly every three months at Ancient Rose in Murphy, NC.
- Continued practice, reading and learning, mentoring and peer support in between sessions to integrate your experience.
- Tuition: $5,000 which is paid in 4 equal increments prior to the start of each direction.
- $250 Registration Fee (Non-refundable).
Murphy, NC 28906
Murphy, NC 28906